尼日利亚法院命令州长对被停职的当地政府官员维持现状。 Nigerian court orders governor to maintain status quo on suspended local government officials.
在尼日利亚埃多州,两名地方政府主席及其副手因不当行为指控受到议会的弹劾。 In Edo State, Nigeria, two local government chairmen and their deputies were impeached by their councils over allegations of misconduct. 弹劾在法院受到质疑,联邦高等法院命令州长和州议会维持18名地方政府主席停职的现状,等待听证。 The impeachments were challenged in court, where a Federal High Court ordered the governor and state assembly to maintain the status quo regarding the suspensions of 18 local government chairmen, pending a hearing. 法院的决定是基于最高法院先前的一项裁决,即总督不得中止当选的地方政府官员的职务。 The court's decision was based on a previous Supreme Court ruling that governors cannot suspend elected local government officials.