克拉伦斯·卡特被判8年监禁 因为他把卡车拖进田纳西的一家克罗格商店 Clarence Carter sentenced to 8 years for plowing his truck into a Kroger store in Tennessee.
Clarence Carter因驾驶半卡车进入田纳西州Millington的一家Kroger商店, 在2024年4月发生骚乱后被判处8年徒刑。 Clarence Carter was sentenced to eight years in prison for driving his semi-truck into a Kroger store in Millington, Tennessee, after a disturbance in April 2024. Carter对肆无忌惮的危害认罪,他请求缓刑的请求被驳回。 Carter pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment, and his request for a suspended sentence was denied. 事件发生在冲突之后他试图离开现场时,尽管商店雇员没有受伤的报道。 The incident occurred during his attempt to leave the scene after the conflict, though no injuries were reported among the store employees.