Brian Joyce认罪 以汽油炸弹威胁搭便车的人 如果他不付钱搭车的话 Brian Joyce pleaded guilty to threatening a hitchhiker with a petrol bomb if he didn't pay for a ride.
Brian Joyce, 30岁,来自爱尔兰Ennis, 已经认罪, 威胁搭便车的人 使用装满汽油的瓶子 如果他不付车费的话。 Brian Joyce, a 30-year-old from Ennis, Ireland, has pleaded guilty to threatening a hitchhiker with a petrol-filled bottle if he did not pay for a ride. 8月13日的事件涉及Joyce的怀孕伴侣驾车及其两名年幼子女在车里。 The incident on August 13 involved Joyce's pregnant partner driving and their two young children in the car. Joyce自8月以来一直被拘留,经过心理评估后将在3月25日被判刑。 Joyce has been in custody since August and will be sentenced on March 25 after a psychological evaluation.