艾伯塔卡纳纳斯基斯州的鸟类数量今年冬天创下了历史新低, Bird counts in Alberta's Kananaskis Country hit record lows this winter, with shortages of evergreen cones cited as a cause.
艾伯塔省卡纳纳斯基斯县的鸟类数量今年冬季达到创纪录的最低点,只统计了449只鸟类和29种物种,远远低于平均1 216只鸟类和34种物种。 Bird counts in Kananaskis Country, Alberta, hit record lows this winter, with only 449 birds and 29 species counted, far below the average of 1,216 birds and 34 species. 作为粮食来源的长青树上缺乏新的锥子,是造成这一下降的原因。 The lack of new cones on evergreen trees, which serve as a food source, is blamed for the decline. 晚上的grosbeak已经缺勤5年了。 The evening grosbeak has been absent for five years. 卡尔加里大学的生物地球科学研究所储存了鸟类数据。 The University of Calgary's Biogeoscience Institute stores the birding data.