Aldi以低价闻名,正在向缅因州扩展,在波特兰首次开店。 Aldi, known for its low prices, is expanding to Maine with its first store opening in Portland.
Aldi是一家德国折扣杂货连锁店,准备在缅因州Portland的松树购物中心开第一家商店,取代前大商行。 Aldi, a German discount grocery chain, is set to open its first store in Maine at the Pine Tree Shopping Center in Portland, replacing the former Big Lots store. Aldi以低价格和自发模式著称, 计划扩大800家新美国商店, 成为90亿美元投资的一部分, Known for its low prices and self-distribution model, Aldi plans to expand with 800 new U.S. stores as part of a $9 billion investment, focusing on the Northeast. Portland地点的开工日期和雇员人数尚未确定。 The opening date and number of employees for the Portland location are not yet confirmed.