阿尔迪将于 2023 年增加对英国供应商的 13 亿英镑投资,为 5,000 家英国供应商和种植者提供支持。 Aldi increases £1.3bn investment in British suppliers in 2023, supporting 5,000 British suppliers and growers.
德国连锁超市阿尔迪宣布增加对英国供应商的投资,到 2023 年将额外投资 13 亿英镑。 Aldi, the German supermarket chain, announced it has increased its investment in British suppliers by spending an additional £1.3 billion with them in 2023. 这项投资为大约 5,000 家英国供应商和种植者提供支持,提供了商店销售的所有商品的四分之三以上。 This investment supports around 5,000 British suppliers and growers, providing more than three-quarters of all items sold in the store. 该公司的目标是继续与供应商建立长期关系,并增加英国供应链的就业机会和投资。 The company aims to continue building long-standing relationships with its suppliers and bolstering job opportunities and investments in the UK supply chain.