Rozlyn Khan女演员揭露了情绪崩溃, 指控Hina Khan贿赂她的医生以隐瞒癌症治疗细节。 Actress Rozlyn Khan reveals emotional breakdown, accuses Hina Khan of bribing her doctor to hide cancer treatment details.
Rozlyn Khan女演员透露,她经历了严重的情绪崩溃,需要进行干预,防止自杀未遂。 Actress Rozlyn Khan revealed she experienced a severe emotional breakdown and needed intervention to prevent a suicide attempt. 作为第四阶段癌症幸存者,她还指控女演员Hina Khan贿赂她的医生以隐瞒其癌症治疗的细节。 As a stage 4 cancer survivor, she also accused actress Hina Khan of bribing her doctor to hide details of her cancer treatment. Rozlyn呼吁医疗案例的透明度以避免误导其他癌症患者。 Rozlyn called for transparency in medical cases to avoid misleading other cancer patients. 她在旅途中大声疾呼,并回应了Navjot Singh Sidhu的法律通知,对癌症患者的某些饮食建议表示反对。 She has been vocal about her journey and responded to a legal notice from Navjot Singh Sidhu, advising against certain diet recommendations for cancer patients.