患有 3 期乳腺癌的女演员 Hina Khan 分享了她的购物经验,并鼓励自我呵护。 Actress Hina Khan, with stage 3 breast cancer, shares her shopping experience and encourages self-pampering.
与第3阶段乳腺癌抗争的Hina Khan女演员分享了几个月来第一次走出家门去买东西和热巧克力的经验,鼓励他人在充满挑战的时期自慰。 Actress Hina Khan, battling stage 3 breast cancer, shared her experience of stepping out for the first time in months to indulge in shopping and hot chocolate, encouraging others to pamper themselves during challenging times. Khan以她的积极精神而著称,她敞开了旅程的大门,包括在化疗开始之前用自己的头发做假发。 Known for her positive spirit, Khan has been open about her journey, including making a wig from her own hair before chemotherapy started. 她继续用社交媒体的力量和动力激励球迷。 She continues to inspire fans with her strength and motivation on social media.