调查Corey Crooker可疑失踪案的佛蒙特州警方 最后一次见是1月9日 Vermont police investigating suspicious disappearance of Corey Crooker, last seen on January 9.
佛蒙特州警方正在调查43岁的Corey Crooker的可疑失踪案, 最后一次见到是在1月9日。 Vermont State Police are investigating the suspicious disappearance of Corey Crooker, 43, last seen on January 9. 该案最初被认为不可疑,现在在Bradford法院下令搜查之后,可能涉及刑事调查。 Initially considered non-suspicious, the case now involves a potentially criminal investigation after a court-ordered search in Bradford. 自1月14日以来,警方一直没有接到克鲁克的消息,并将在星期三继续搜索。 Police have not heard from Crooker since January 14 and will continue their search on Wednesday. 任何有信息的人都被要求与当局联系。 Anyone with information is asked to contact authorities.