美国天主教主教会议指定纽约烈士神社圣母为国家圣地。 The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops designated the Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in New York as a national shrine.
美国天主教主教会议将纽约Auriesville的烈士神社命名为国家圣迹。 The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has named the Our Lady of Martyrs Shrine in Auriesville, New York, a national shrine. 圣殿,与圣徒的殉难联系在一起。 The shrine, tied to the martyrdom of Sts. Isaac Jogues、René Goupil、Jean de Lalande和St. Kateri Tekkwita的出生地都符合USCB的标准, Isaac Jogues, René Goupil, and Jean de Lalande, and the birthplace of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, received the designation after meeting the USCCB’s criteria. 该圣迹全年开放,将于5月3日开始其2025年季节。 The shrine, which is open year-round, will start its 2025 season on May 3.