来自Perdido的两名男子因对当地法院进行炸弹威胁而被捕。 Two men from Perdido were arrested for making a bomb threat against the local courthouse.
Baldwin县Perdido的两名男子因1月29日对当地法院的炸弹威胁被捕。 Two men from Perdido, Baldwin County, have been arrested for a bomb threat made to the local courthouse on January 29th. Daniel Howell被控进行恐怖主义威胁,Donald Ippolito则被控进行刑事教唆。 Daniel Howell was charged with making a terroristic threat, while Donald Ippolito was charged with criminal solicitation. 调查涉及多个州以及执行若干逮捕令和传票,对法院系统和当地社区造成重大干扰。 The investigation involved multiple states and the execution of several warrants and subpoenas, causing significant disruption to the court system and local community. 两人被押入鲍德温县监狱 Both men were booked into the Baldwin County Jail.