兰开斯特通过电子邮件发送的炸弹威胁导致疏散并扰乱了变装皇后故事时间活动,而这些威胁源自美国境外;未发现任何装置;联邦调查局正在协助进行调查。 Lancaster's emailed bomb threats, causing evacuations and disrupting a Drag Queen Story Hour event, originated outside the US; no devices found; FBI assists ongoing investigation.
兰开斯特县地方检察官办公室已确定,导致兰开斯特疏散的电子邮件炸弹威胁很可能源自美国境外。 The Lancaster County District Attorney's Office has determined that emailed bomb threats leading to evacuations in Lancaster likely originated outside the US. 联邦调查局正在协助进行持续的调查,该调查是由于兰开斯特公共图书馆发现一个可疑包裹,导致“变装皇后故事时间”活动被取消。 The FBI is assisting in the ongoing investigation, which followed a suspicious package at the Lancaster Public Library, leading to the cancellation of a Drag Queen Story Hour event. 没有发现爆炸装置,调查仍在继续。 No explosive devices were found, and the investigation continues.