在稳定其货币的努力中,韩国的外汇储备跌至五年来的最低水平。 South Korea's foreign reserves hit a five-year low amid efforts to stabilize its currency.
由于采取了稳定汇率市场的措施和当地货币疲软,韩国的外汇储备在1月份跌至5年最低的4 110亿美元,比上个月下降了45.9亿美元。 South Korea's foreign reserves fell to a five-year low of $411.01 billion in January, down $4.59 billion from the previous month, due to measures to stabilize the exchange market and a weakening local currency. 外国证券,包括美国国库债券,减少了46.5亿美元。 Foreign securities, including U.S. Treasuries, decreased by $4.65 billion. 尽管出现下降,但韩国仍然是全球外汇储备的第九大持有国。 Despite the decline, South Korea remains the ninth-largest holder of foreign reserves globally.