新加坡饶舌歌手Subhas Nair因在网上张贴种族主义内容而开始六个星期的监禁。 Singaporean rapper Subhas Nair begins six-week jail term for posting racist content online.
新加坡RAPER Subhas Nair在上诉被高等法院驳回后开始服刑六周。 Singaporean rapper Subhas Nair began serving a six-week jail term after his appeals were dismissed by the High Court. Nair被判有罪, 罪名是通过网络文章, 包括以华人社群为对象的带有种族主义歌词的YouTube视频, 宣传种族和宗教团体间的恶意。 Nair was convicted for promoting ill will between racial and religious groups through online posts, including a YouTube video with racist lyrics targeting the Chinese community. 法院维持原判,强调鉴于网上通信的潜在危害,必须进行威慑。 The court upheld the conviction, emphasizing the need for deterrence given the potential harm of online communication.