Emmanuel Tetteh,别名666,因在加纳阿克拉强奸和抢劫一名妇女被判处40年徒刑。 Emmanuel Tetteh, alias 666, sentenced to 40 years for raping and robbing a woman in Accra, Ghana.
Emmanuel Tetteh,别名666,Escoba和Commetey,因在加纳阿克拉强奸和抢劫一名妇女,当着两名孩子的面被判40年徒刑。 Emmanuel Tetteh, known by aliases 666, Escoba, and Commetey, was sentenced to 40 years in prison for raping and robbing a woman in Accra, Ghana, in front of her two young children. Tetteh在袭击中偷走了她的手机和现金。 Tetteh stole her phone and cash during the attack. 他因类似罪行已经服了6年徒刑。 He was already serving a six-year sentence for a similar crime. 法院在通过判决时考虑了他的预谋行动和犯罪历史。 The court considered his premeditated actions and criminal history in passing the sentence.