参议院委员会调查“破坏银行业”的做法,重点调查银行拒绝服务行为中指称的政治偏见。 Senate committee probes "debanking" practices, focusing on alleged political bias in banks' service denials.
美国参议院银行委员会正在调查“银行破产”, 银行切断对某些个人和企业的服务, The U.S. Senate Banking Committee is investigating "debanking," where banks cut off services to certain individuals and businesses, often conservative-leaning groups. 因此,有人声称,大银行出于政治原因拒绝提供服务,而银行则以复杂的规则和监督做法为由,否认这些指控。 This follows claims that major banks have denied services based on political reasons, though banks deny these accusations, citing complex rules and supervisory practices. 共和党参议员Kevin Cramer计划提出立法,禁止银行以意识形态为由拒绝提供服务。 Republican Senator Kevin Cramer plans to introduce legislation to prohibit banks from refusing services based on ideological grounds. 听证会还讨论了低收入和边缘化群体获得银行服务这一更广泛问题。 The hearing also addresses the broader issue of access to banking services for low-income and marginalized groups.