皇家骑警调查凯特尔·纳科达部落四人死亡的可疑事件;附近据报有枪威胁。 RCMP investigating suspicious deaths of four individuals on Carry the Kettle Nakoda Nation; gun threat reported nearby.
四个人被发现死在萨斯喀彻温南部Ketle Nakoda部落的一个家中,加拿大皇家骑警将死亡列为可疑。 Four individuals were found dead in a home on the Carry the Kettle Nakoda Nation in southern Saskatchewan, with the RCMP classifying the deaths as suspicious. 大约四小时后,出现了关于一名男子用枪指着附近第一民族的人的报告。 Around four hours later, reports of a man pointing a gun at people in a nearby First Nation emerged. 虽然尚不清楚这些事件是否相关,但皇家骑警增加了在该地区的存在,并敦促公众保持警惕。 While it's unclear if these incidents are related, the RCMP have increased their presence in the area and are urging the public to remain vigilant.