阿联酋总统和卡塔尔总理开会加强联系,讨论区域稳定问题。 UAE President and Qatar's Prime Minister meet to boost ties and discuss regional stability.
阿联酋总统和卡塔尔总理在阿布扎比会晤,讨论加强双边关系和解决区域和国际问题。 The UAE President and Qatar's Prime Minister met in Abu Dhabi to discuss strengthening bilateral ties and addressing regional and international issues. 他们强调停火努力对于防止中东更广泛的冲突和确保区域稳定的重要性。 They emphasized the importance of ceasefire efforts to prevent wider conflicts in the Middle East and ensure regional stability. 会议强调了两国为促进安全并造福两国人民而开展的合作。 The meeting highlighted cooperation between the two countries to promote security and benefit their people.