NFL Ref协会否认阴谋论,声称官员正在帮助堪萨斯市酋长。 NFL ref association denies conspiracy theories claiming officials are helping the Kansas City Chiefs.
NFL受访者协会否认有指控称,17个船员的138名官员正在密谋帮助堪萨斯市酋长。 The NFL Referees Association denied allegations that its 138 officials across 17 crews are conspiring to help the Kansas City Chiefs. 本协会执行主任斯科特·格林(Scott Green)称阴谋论为“侮辱和荒谬”,维护官员的正直和公正。 The Association's Executive Director, Scott Green, called the conspiracy theories "insulting and preposterous," upholding the officials' integrity and impartiality.