3 名堪萨斯城酋长队球迷死于体内的芬太尼、可卡因和大麻;调查接近尾声,可能针对其他人提供药物。 3 Kansas City Chiefs fans died with fentanyl, cocaine, and marijuana in their systems; investigation nears closure, possibly targeting others for drug provision.
对 1 月 9 日堪萨斯城酋长队三名球迷——克莱顿·麦吉尼、瑞奇·约翰逊和大卫·哈灵顿——在白雪皑皑的后院被发现死亡的调查即将结束。 An investigation into the January 9 deaths of three Kansas City Chiefs fans—Clayton McGeeney, Ricky Johnson, and David Harrington—found in a snowy backyard is nearing closure. 初步尸检结果显示他们体内有芬太尼 可卡因 大麻和大麻 Preliminary autopsy results show fentanyl, cocaine, and marijuana in their systems. 虽然他们的家人声称乔丹·威利斯 (Jordan Willis) 参与了其中,但他的律师声称将对其他人提出指控,可能是与提供毒品有关的重罪谋杀罪。 While their families allege involvement by Jordan Willis, whose home they visited, his attorney claims charges will be filed against someone else, potentially for felony murder related to drug provision.