缅甸政府未能出售昂山苏姬140万元的房屋, Myanmar's junta failed to sell Aung San Suu Kyi's $140M mansion, amid legal disputes and turmoil.
缅甸军政府第三次没有出售昂山素季的湖边官邸,没有投标。 Myanmar's military junta failed to sell Aung San Suu Kyi's lakeside mansion for the third time, with no bids submitted. 这处价值 1.4 亿美元的仰光房产一直是昂山素季和她哥哥之间法律纠纷的中心。 The Yangon property, valued at $140 million, has been at the center of a legal dispute between Suu Kyi and her brother. 素季在那里被软禁多年, 在2021年军事政变推翻政府后, 正在服刑27年。 Suu Kyi, who spent years under house arrest there, is currently serving a 27-year sentence after her government was overthrown in a 2021 military coup. 拍卖失败可能与缅甸持续的内战和经济动荡有关。 The auction's failure may be linked to Myanmar's ongoing civil war and economic turmoil.