缅甸法院下令拍卖昂山素季的故居,最初价值 9000 万美元。 A Myanmar court orders the auction of Aung San Suu Kyi's former residence, initially valued at $90 million.
缅甸一家军方控制的法院下令拍卖被罢黜领导人昂山素季的故居,昂山素季曾在这里被软禁 15 年。 A military-controlled court in Myanmar has ordered the auction of the former residence of ousted leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who spent 15 years under house arrest at the property. 此次拍卖决定是在昂山素季和她的兄弟昂山乌就湖畔别墅的所有权问题发生长达数十年的法律纠纷之后做出的。 The auction decision comes after a decades-long legal dispute between Suu Kyi and her brother, Aung San Oo, over ownership of the lakeside villa. 拍卖定于 3 月 20 日举行,起拍价为 3,150 亿缅元(约合 9,000 万美元)。 The auction has been scheduled for March 20th, with a starting bid of 315 billion Myanmar kyats ($90 million).