Milwaukee警方正在寻找失踪的11岁的I'zayah Pyant, 最后一次见到是在2月4日。 Milwaukee police are searching for missing 11-year-old I'zayah Pyant, last seen on Feb. 4.
密尔沃基警方正在寻求帮助 找到一名11岁的男孩,I'zayah Pyant, 他严重失踪。 Milwaukee police are seeking help to locate an 11-year-old boy, I'zayah Pyant, who is critically missing. 2月4日9时30分至10时30分之间,在38街和Meinecke街附近最后一次见到Pyant。 Pyant was last seen on February 4 between 9:30 and 10:30 p.m. near 38th and Meinecke Streets. 他身高5尺6寸 体重125磅 头发长了假发 还穿着灰色运动衫 戴着黑帽 He is 5'6" tall, weighs 125 pounds, has dreadlock-style hair, and was wearing a gray sweatshirt with a black hood. 任何人如有情报,请与密尔瓦基警察局联系,电话414-935-7232。 Anyone with information is asked to contact the Milwaukee Police Department at 414-935-7232.