16 岁的卡米拉·斯图尔特 (Kamila Stewart) 和婴儿儿子凯瑞 (Kyree) 在密尔沃基失踪,现已安全找到。 16-year-old Kamila Stewart and infant son, Kyree, reported critically missing in Milwaukee, found safe.
16 岁的卡米拉·斯图尔特 (Kamila Stewart) 和她的婴儿儿子凯瑞 (Kyree) 在密尔沃基最初被报告失踪,但最终被发现安全。 16-year-old Kamila Stewart and her infant son, Kyree, were found safe after initially being reported as critically missing in Milwaukee. 他们最后一次出现是在 5 月 19 日,地点是第 65 街和西花店大道附近。 They were last seen near 65th Street and West Florist Avenue on May 19th. 警方最初认为卡米拉是徒步旅行。 Police initially believed Kamila was traveling on foot. 公众如需提供有关其行踪的任何信息,请拨打 414-935-7242 联系密尔沃基警察局。 The public is asked to contact the Milwaukee Police Department at 414-935-7242 with any information regarding their whereabouts.