劳工议员组成一个小组,反对英国改革的崛起,重点是政策和区域投资。 Labour MPs form group to counter Reform UK's rise, focusing on policy and regional investment.
劳工议员组成了一个非正式核心小组,以应对英国改革这一由奈杰尔·法拉吉领导的右翼政党日益加剧的威胁,该党在2024年选举中在98个选区中名列第二,包括以前由劳工党主持的89个选区。 Labour MPs have formed an informal caucus to counter the rising threat of Reform UK, a right-wing party led by Nigel Farage, which came second in 98 constituencies, including 89 previously held by Labour, in the 2024 election. 该小组旨在促进劳工局关于移徙和犯罪的政策,并呼吁增加对英格兰北部基础设施的投资,认为雷切尔·里夫斯总理的经济增长战略有利于南方较富裕地区。 The group aims to promote Labour's policies on migration and crime and calls for more investment in Northern England's infrastructure, arguing that Chancellor Rachel Reeves' economic growth strategy favors wealthier areas in the south. 联合王国的改革在最近的民意调查中有所进展,引起了劳工内部的关切。 Reform UK has gained in recent polls, causing concern within Labour.