由奈杰尔·法拉吉领导的英国改革组织声称成员多于保守党,这是一个有争议的里程碑。 Reform UK, led by Nigel Farage, claims more members than the Conservative Party, a disputed milestone.
英国改革党由Brexit运动家奈杰尔·法拉吉领导,声称其党员人数首次超过保守党党员,达到131,680人。 The Reform UK party, led by Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage, claims its membership has surpassed that of the Conservative Party for the first time, reaching 131,680 members. Farage称这是“历史时刻”, 但保守派对这些数字有争议, 暗示着潜在的不准确性。 Farage calls this a "historic moment," but the Conservatives dispute these numbers, suggesting potential inaccuracies. 改革英国在7月大选中赢得5个席位,部分通过吸引前保守党支持者。 Reform UK won five seats in the July general election, partly by attracting former Conservative supporters.