印第安纳大学和一名教授面临20亿美元的诉讼, 指控在波多黎各盗窃奢侈度假度假村商业秘密。 Indiana University and a professor face a $2 billion lawsuit over alleged theft of luxury resort trade secrets in Puerto Rico.
印地安那大学和一名教授正面临20亿美元的诉讼, 指控他们为波多黎各豪华度假胜地项目窃取商业秘密。 Indiana University and a professor are facing a $2 billion lawsuit over allegations of stealing trade secrets for a luxury resort project in Puerto Rico. 原告 -- -- 世界贸易中心San Juan LLC和Gantry LLC称,他们的业务计划是在没有适当保密的情况下在某一类中使用的,导致他们的项目细节被盗。 The plaintiffs, World Trade Center San Juan LLC and Gantry LLC, claim their business plans were used without proper confidentiality in a class, leading to the theft of their project details. 该诉讼案还将5名前学生和房地产开发商发现地有限公司列为被告。 The suit also names five former students and real estate developer Discovery Land Co. as defendants.