Palo Alto的新西班牙餐厅所有者因涉嫌盗用Bay Area竞争对手的食谱而面临“盗版”诉讼。 Owners of Palo Alto's new Spanish restaurant face "paella piracy" lawsuit for alleged recipe theft from Bay Area rival.
一项诉讼指控西班牙一家新Palo Alto餐厅的店主窃取Bay Area竞争对手Teleféric提供的食谱和重要商业信息。 A lawsuit accuses the owners of a new Palo Alto Spanish restaurant of stealing recipes and key business information from a Bay Area competitor, Teleféric. 该投诉将争议定性为“海鲜饭盗版”,称新餐厅的老板在 Teleféric 工作后获取了专有信息。 The complaint, which frames the dispute as "paella piracy," alleges that the new restaurant's owners took proprietary information after working at Teleféric.