印度计划与私营公司分享Gati Shakti门户网站的物流数据,以推动基础设施项目。 India plans to share logistics data from its Gati Shakti portal with private firms to boost infrastructure projects.
印度政府的DPIIT计划发布与私营公司分享Gati Shakti总理门户网站数据的准则。 The Indian government's DPIIT is planning to release guidelines for sharing data from the PM Gati Shakti portal with private companies. 这个门户是通过整合基础设施项目以减少物流成本而启动的,将使私营部门能够访问详细的地图和数据,协助项目规划和优化交付服务。 This portal, launched to reduce logistics costs by integrating infrastructure projects, will allow private sectors to access detailed maps and data, aiding in project planning and optimizing delivery services. 该倡议旨在加强公私伙伴关系,支持为技术初创企业提供长期资金。 The initiative aims to enhance public-private partnerships and support long-term funding for tech startups.