印度工业大学与ITC有限公司合作, 加强印度创业生态系统, 专注于科技和可再生能源. DPIIT partners with ITC Ltd to bolster India's startup ecosystem, focusing on tech and renewable energy.
印度的DPIIT与ITC Ltd合作, 推动印度的启动生态系统。 The DPIIT in India has partnered with ITC Ltd to boost the country's startup ecosystem. 合作的目的是加速启动增长和技术进步,侧重于数字平台、可再生能源和能源储存系统。 The collaboration aims to accelerate startup growth and technological advancement, focusing on digital platforms, renewable energy, and energy storage systems. 这种伙伴关系支持印度政府的倡议,如印度的创业和创造,促进可持续和包容性增长。 This partnership supports the government's initiatives like Startup India and Make in India, promoting sustainable and inclusive growth. 自2016年以来,注册初创企业的数量激增到157 000家以上,创造了160万个就业机会,吸引了1 150亿美元的投资。 Since 2016, the number of registered startups has surged to over 157,000, creating 1.6 million jobs and attracting $115 billion in investments.