IIT Palakkad为学生推出暑期实习方案,提供研究经验和津贴。 IIT Palakkad launches summer internship program for students, offering research experience and stipend.
从2025年5月21日起,IIT Palakkad为研究生和研究生提供为期六周的暑期实习,提供研究经验和12 000卢比的津贴。 IIT Palakkad offers a six-week summer internship starting May 21, 2025, for undergrads and postgrads, providing research experience and a stipend of Rs 12,000. 申请在3月18日之前在其网站上开放。 Applications are open until March 18 on their website. 该方案包括共用校舍住宿,但学生支付房间租金和膳食费。 The program includes shared on-campus accommodation, but students pay for room rent and meals. 成功完成学业者可获得实习证书。 Successful completion earns an internship certificate.