加纳国家投资管理局宣布了加纳贺卡服务的新收费,首次注册费用为GH310GH。 Ghana's NIA announces new fees for Ghana Card services, with first-time registration costing GH¢310.
加纳国家身份鉴定局更新了在溢价中心提供加纳卡服务的收费。 The National Identification Authority (NIA) in Ghana has updated fees for Ghana Card services at premium centers. 首次登记和记录更新费用为310千兆赫,而更换卡片的费用为420千兆赫。 First-time registration and record updates cost GH¢310, while card replacement is GH¢420. 作为正式国民身份证的加纳卡现在包括生物鉴别数据,并已发给1 800多万加纳人。 The Ghana Card, serving as official national identification, now includes biometric data and has been issued to over 18 million Ghanaians. NIA在2025年2月4日的Facebook页面上详述了收费中心服务的费用。 Fees for services at premium centers were detailed on the NIA's Facebook page on February 4, 2025.