由于退休和死亡人数上升,殡葬业每年面临 5,700 名工人短缺。 Funeral industry faces a 5,700 annual worker shortage due to retirements and rising deaths.
由于工人退休和死亡率上升,殡葬服务行业严重缺乏熟练专业人员,预计未来十年每年将有 5,700 个职位空缺。 The funeral service industry is seeing a critical shortage of skilled professionals due to retiring workers and rising death rates, with 5,700 job openings projected annually for the next decade. 这份职业提供了一种目标感,在困难时期帮助家庭,并有机会拥有企业所有权。 This career offers a sense of purpose, helping families during tough times, and opportunities for business ownership. 它对寻找有意义工作的年轻一代特别有吸引力。 It's particularly appealing to younger generations looking for meaningful work.