Fincantieri收到90亿欧元的订单,为挪威游轮建造4艘有史以来最大的游轮。 Fincantieri receives €9 billion order to build four of the largest cruise ships ever for Norwegian Cruise Line.
意大利造船商Fincantieri收到挪威游轮控股公司90亿欧元的订单,用于建造四艘新的游轮,这是其有史以来最大的造船订单。 Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri has received a €9 billion order from Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings to build four new cruise ships, marking its largest order ever. 每艘重226 000吨的船舶将是游轮运营商委托的有史以来最大的船舶,建造这些船舶需要大约十年时间。 The ships, each weighing 226,000 tons, will be the largest ever commissioned by the cruise operator and their construction will take about a decade. 据报告,4月就该项目达成了初步协议。 A preliminary agreement for the project was reportedly reached in April.