联邦调查局的特工起诉司法部阻止建立可能暴露特朗普调查人员的清单. FBI agents sue DOJ to block creation of list that could expose those investigating Trump.
联邦调查局特工对司法部提起诉讼,阻止司法部编制与前总统唐纳德·特朗普有关的调查所涉代理人名单。 FBI agents have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) to prevent the DOJ from compiling a list of agents involved in investigations related to former President Donald Trump. 代理人辩称,这一行动可能导致报复,并侵犯他们的隐私权。 The agents argue that this action could lead to retaliation and violates their privacy rights. 该案凸显了对潜在政治干预和对保护执法举报人的关切。 The case highlights concerns over potential political interference and the protection of law enforcement whistleblowers.