八岁的劳伦·彼得森 (Lauren Peterson) 死于肇事逃逸;她的家人计划在悲剧发生后举行葬礼。 Eight-year-old Lauren Peterson died in a hit-and-run; her family plans funeral after tragedy.
8 岁的劳伦·彼得森 (Lauren Peterson) 在佛罗里达州金沙汽车旅馆 (Sands Motel) 附近的一起肇事逃逸事故中丧生。 Eight-year-old Lauren Peterson was killed in a hit-and-run accident near Sands Motel in Florida. 最初,胡里奥·马尔克斯 (Julio Marquez) 被捕,但后来透露他正在包庇他的妻子肯尼亚·冈萨雷斯 (Kenia Gonzalez),她是真正的司机。 Initially, Julio Marquez was arrested, but it was later revealed that he was shielding his wife, Kenia Gonzalez, who was the actual driver. Lauren 的家人记得她是一个善良和快乐的孩子,他们现在正在计划举行葬礼,而不是他们原计划在 3 月举行的生日庆祝活动。 Lauren's family remembers her as a kind and joyful child, and they are now planning a funeral instead of the birthday celebration they had planned for March.