Kenia Gonzalez的女儿在一次肇事逃逸中被打死,在监控录像确定她为司机后受到指控。 Kenia Gonzalez, whose daughter was killed in a hit-and-run, was charged after surveillance footage identified her as the driver.
一名8岁女孩在佛罗里达州Lake City骑着她的摩托车时在一次肇事逃逸的事故中丧生。 An 8-year-old girl was killed in a hit-and-run accident while riding her scooter in Lake City, Florida. 最初,她的丈夫Julio Cesar Marquez被逮捕和供认,但后来发现他在事件发生期间在工作。 Initially, her husband Julio Cesar Marquez was arrested and confessed, but it was later found that he was at work during the incident. 他的妻子Kenia Gonzalez通过监视录像被确认为司机,被控离开涉及死亡的坠机现场,并作虚假报告。 His wife, Kenia Gonzalez, was identified as the driver through surveillance videos and charged with leaving the scene of a crash involving death and making a false report. Marquez被指控为同谋并向警方提供虚假信息。 Marquez was charged with being an accessory and giving false information to the police.