寒流导致路易斯安那州鱼类死亡,自 1 月 24 日以来已报告了 71 个死亡地点。 Cold snap causes fish deaths in Louisiana, with 71 kill sites reported since January 24.
自1月24日以来, 低温导致路易斯安那沿海地区的鱼类死亡, 州野生生物部记录了71个鱼类死亡地点。 Cold temperatures have led to widespread fish deaths in Louisiana's coastal areas since January 24, with the state's wildlife department documenting 71 fish kill sites. Spoted Seatrout、黑鼓、红鼓和羊头等物种受到严重影响。 Species like Spotted Seatrout, Black Drum, Red Drum, and Sheepshead have been heavily affected. 路易斯安那野生动物和渔业部正在监测情况,并敦促公众遵守捕鱼条例。 The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries is monitoring the situation and urging the public to follow fishing regulations.