阿肯色州警察在一次交通拦截中从一辆拖拉机拖车中查获了近2 900磅大麻。 Arkansas State Police seized nearly 2,900 pounds of marijuana from a tractor-trailer during a traffic stop.
阿肯色州警方在克劳福德县 40 号州际公路的一次交通拦截中从一辆拖拉机拖车中查获了超过 2,872 磅的大麻。 Arkansas State Police seized over 2,872 pounds of marijuana from a tractor-trailer during a traffic stop on Interstate 40 in Crawford County. 司机Zhiping Mu,31岁,来自华盛顿,被捕,被控贩毒和持有毒品。 The driver, Zhiping Mu, 31, from Washington, was arrested and charged with drug trafficking and possession. 阿肯色州警察强调这一事件是他们承诺打击高速公路上贩毒的一个实例。 Arkansas State Police highlighted the incident as an example of their commitment to combating drug trafficking on highways.