BJP和AAP在德里2025年大会选举前参与选举舞弊指控。 BJP and AAP engage in voter fraud accusations ahead of Delhi's 2025 assembly elections.
在德里议会选举之前,印度人民党和AAP正在就选民欺诈指控展开激烈争论。 In the lead-up to the Delhi assembly elections, the BJP and AAP are engaged in a fierce dispute over voter fraud allegations. BJP指控AAP领导人Arvind Kejriwal策划一个选民名单骗局, 称其为“Voter List Scam 2024”, 并宣称AAP议员Sanjay Singh拥有双重选民登记。 The BJP accuses AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal of orchestrating a voter list scam, dubbing it "Voter List Scam 2024," and claims that AAP MP Sanjay Singh has dual voter registrations. 并指责BJP试图删除居住在德里的北方邦和比哈尔邦的选民姓名, 以“孟加拉国人和罗辛亚人”为攻击目标。 In response, AAP accuses the BJP of attempting to delete the names of voters from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar residing in Delhi, targeting them as "Bangladeshis and Rohingyas." 双方在预期于2025年2月投票之前互相攻击对方的公信力。 Both parties are attacking each other's credibility ahead of the polls, expected in February 2025.