阿拉巴马州州长Kay Ivey支持特朗普将墨西哥湾改名为“美国海湾”。 Alabama Governor Kay Ivey endorses Trump's name change for the Gulf of Mexico to the "Gulf of America."
阿拉巴马州州长凯·伊维(Kay Ivey)在发表州政府咨文时称墨西哥湾为“美国湾”, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey, during her State of the State address, referred to the Gulf of Mexico as the "Gulf of America," a name proposed by President Trump via executive order. 虽然阿拉巴马州的一些官员支持这种改变,但这种改变并未得到国际承认。 While some Alabama officials support the change, it's not internationally recognized. 海湾地区对阿拉巴马的经济至关重要,在2022年贡献了983亿美元。 The Gulf area is vital to Alabama's economy, contributing $98.3 billion in 2022. Ivey还讨论了教育成就,并支持特朗普的倡议。 Ivey also discussed educational achievements and backed Trump's initiatives.