迪士尼的冒险活动为2026年推出新的Rhône河巡航计划, Adventures by Disney introduces a new Rhône River cruise for 2026, featuring family and adult-only options.
迪士尼的探险团于2026年在法国南部发起新的为期八天的Rhône河巡航,在里昂、Tournon、Viviers、Avignon和Arles设有站点。 Adventures by Disney is launching a new eight-day Rhône River cruise in southern France in 2026, featuring stops in Lyon, Tournon, Viviers, Avignon, and Arles. 这次游轮由Ama Waterways在AmaKristina号上经营,提供家庭友好活动和文化经验,由迪士尼培训的导游带领。 The cruise, operated by AmaWaterways on the AmaKristina, offers family-friendly activities and cultural experiences led by Disney-trained guides. 它包括诸如皮艇、自行车和葡萄酒饮料等选项。 It includes options like kayaking, cycling, and wine tastings. 计划进行5次航行,4次为家庭航行,1次为成年人航行。 Five sailings are planned, with four for families and one for adults. 提前预订可以节省每人500美元,预订将于2025年2月12日开放. Early bookings can save $500 per person, and reservations open on February 12, 2025.