怀俄明人David Goron在暴力袭击后死亡;嫌疑人Jeremiah Hernandez被逮捕。 Wyoming man David Goron died after a violent assault; suspect Jeremiah Hernandez arrested.
1 月 29 日,怀俄明州一名 57 岁的男子大卫·戈伦 (David Goron) 在拜伦中心大道 (Byron Center Avenue) 和第 36 街 (36th Street) 附近的袭击中受重伤后死亡。 A 57-year-old Wyoming man, David Goron, died after suffering severe injuries in an assault on January 29 near Byron Center Avenue and 36th Street. 嫌犯36岁的Jeremiah Hernandez后来被怀俄明州警察局逮捕,被控殴打,意图造成比谋杀还严重的人身伤害。 The suspect, 36-year-old Jeremiah Hernandez, was later arrested by the Wyoming Police Department and is charged with assault with intent to do great bodily harm less than murder. 他被关押在没有保释金的情况下。 He is being held without bond. 警方仍在寻求有关此案的更多信息。 Police are still seeking more information related to the case.