Tyson基督徒因其女友Emily Eirinberg在Sioux Falls附近被刺死而被捕。 Tyson Christians was arrested for the stabbing death of his girlfriend, Emily Eirinberg, near Sioux Falls.
24 岁的泰森·克里斯蒂安 (Tyson Christians) 在他的朋友报告他供词杀害了 23 岁的女友艾米丽·艾林伯格 (Emily Eirinberg) 后被捕,艾米丽·艾林伯格 (Emily Eirinberg) 被发现死在苏福尔斯帝国购物中心附近的一辆车里,身上有刺伤。 Tyson Christians, 24, was arrested after his friend reported his confession to killing his girlfriend, Emily Eirinberg, 23, who was found dead with stab wounds in a vehicle near the Empire Mall in Sioux Falls. 基督教徒因家庭严重攻击罪而被拘留,预计将受到更多指控。 Christians is held on charges of aggravated domestic assault, with more charges expected. 据报告,当天早些时候发生了这起杀人事件,但商场没有发生。 The killing reportedly occurred earlier in the day, and it did not happen at the mall. 这是今年苏福尔斯的第一起凶杀案 This is the first homicide in Sioux Falls this year.