Tuyet Nguyen,71岁,被确定为1月26日波特兰车祸中行人遇害。 Tuyet Nguyen, 71, was identified as the pedestrian killed in a Portland car crash on January 26th.
Tuyet Nguyen,71岁的波特兰居民,被确定为1月26日在东南Cesar Chavez大道发生的车祸中丧生的行人。 Tuyet Nguyen, a 71-year-old Portland resident, was identified as the pedestrian killed in a car crash on January 26th on Southeast Cesar Chavez Boulevard. 司机留在现场,并与当局合作。 The driver remained at the scene and cooperated with authorities. 这一事件是波特兰警察局最近为加强该地区安全所作努力的一部分,可能包括修车道和新的交通信号。 This incident is part of recent efforts by the Portland Police Bureau to enhance safety in the area, possibly including lane reconfiguration and new traffic signals.