最近发生了两起重大事件后,韩国计划对其航空安全系统进行改造。 South Korea plans to revamp its aviation safety system after two recent major incidents.
韩国交通部计划在一个月内发生两起重大事件后,对韩国的航空安全系统进行彻底整顿。 South Korea's Ministry of Transport plans to overhaul the country's aviation safety system following two major incidents in a month. 将设立一个新的委员会,以加强空中旅行的安全和有效性,以期恢复公众对该系统的信心。 A new committee will be established to enhance air travel safety and effectiveness, aiming to restore public confidence in the system. Baek Won-kuk副部长将在委员会发言,强调政府对全面重建的承诺。 Deputy Minister Baek Won-kuk will address the committee, highlighting the government's commitment to a comprehensive rebuild.