圣地亚哥市议会通过了新法律,以保护负担得起的住房不致成为奢侈房。 San Diego City Council passes new law to protect affordable housing from becoming luxury units.
圣地亚哥市议会一致通过一项新法令,防止经济适用住房转为奢侈房。 San Diego City Council has unanimously passed a new ordinance to prevent affordable homes from being converted to luxury units. 法律给予租户更多的通知,并允许城市和住房委员会有更多的时间在房产变成市场价格之前购买这些房产。 The law gives tenants more notice and allows the city and housing commission more time to purchase properties before they become market-rate. 这一举措旨在保护数千套负担得起的住房,特别是用公共资金建造的住房,因为城市面临住房短缺问题。 This move aims to preserve thousands of affordable units, especially those built with public funds, as the city faces a housing shortage.