印度部队突袭克什米尔监狱、村庄、没收与恐怖集团有联系的数字设备。 Indian forces raid Kashmir jails, villages, seizing digital devices linked to terror groups.
作为与恐怖主义有关的调查的一部分,反情报克什米尔(CIK)对阿南特纳格和库尔加姆地区进行了突袭。 The Counter Intelligence Kashmir (CIK) conducted raids in Anantnag and Kulgam districts as part of a terror-related investigation. 对监狱和村庄进行了搜查,查封了6-8个数字装置,据信其中含有与恐怖集团有关的信息。 Searches were carried out in jails and villages, seizing 6-8 digital devices believed to contain information linked to terror groups. 该行动在恐怖主义活动增加之后开展,并利用技术证据捣毁支持军事活动的网络。 The operation follows increased terrorist activities and uses technical evidence to dismantle networks supporting militant activities.