Pikes Peak在公众对烟雾的担忧下,进行2,000英亩处方烧伤,以减少野火风险。 Pikes Peak conducts a 2,000-acre prescribed burn to reduce wildfire risk, amid public smoke concerns.
Pikes Peak Ranger区正在科罗拉多州Rampart Reservoir以北进行一个规定的燃烧项目,定于2026年夏季完成。 The Pikes Peak Ranger District is conducting a prescribed burn project north of Rampart Reservoir in Colorado, set to finish by summer 2026. 该项目覆盖大约2 000英亩土地,旨在减少野火风险和改善森林健康。 Covering about 2,000 acres, the project aims to reduce wildfire risk and improve forest health. 烧伤产生的烟雾导致紧急服务电话增加,促使科罗拉多斯普林斯消防局安抚公众。 Smoke from the burns led to increased calls to emergency services, prompting the Colorado Springs Fire Department to reassure the public. 该项目包括燃料断裂和稀薄,以防止火灾蔓延和减少昆虫感染。 The project includes fuel breaks and thinning to prevent fire spread and reduce insect infestations. 国家森林的一个小地区将在行动期间关闭。 A small area of the National Forest will be closed during operations.