消防人员计划对苏必利尔附近的4处地产进行有控制的烧伤,以供研究,烟雾可见度可达72小时。 Fire crews plan controlled burns on four properties near Superior for research, with smoke visible for up to 72 hours.
苏必利尔附近的消防人员计划周二对 Cohig、Bush (Rodney Dean)、Mayhoffer 和 Zaharias-Thomas 这四处房产进行计划烧毁,等待周一的天气和地面状况检查。 Fire crews near Superior plan to conduct prescribed burns on four properties—Cohig, Bush (Rodney Dean), Mayhoffer, and Zaharias-Thomas—on Tuesday, pending Monday's weather and ground condition checks. 这些烧伤是为了进行研究和清除不需要的植被。 These burns are for research and to clear unwanted vegetation. 烟雾和火焰的可见时间可长达72小时;居民不得拨打911。 Smoke and flames may be visible for up to 72 hours; residents are asked not to call 911. 将对这些地区进行监测,以确保火灾完全扑灭。 The areas will be monitored to ensure the fires are fully extinguished.